Abstract This
qualitative study aims to explore and
propose English language basic education
policy alternatives that enhance equity
and justice in education. The study
employed the documentary research of
English language education policy of the
Republic of Finland; the semi-structured
interview of 70 Thai teachers of English
using the interview protocol; and the
focus group discussion. The findings in
terms of proposed policy alternatives
based on the thematic analysis of
qualitative data are: 1) provide
sufficient qualified teachers of
English, properly distributed throughout
the system, and equip them with
autonomy; 2) provide systemic support
for learners with high needs whose
interest is to develop their English
language skills; 3) assign the Minister
of Education to have oversight of all
aspects of the English language
education, making sure they are in
accordance with one another; 4) put an
end to the across- the-board CEFR-based
English language development to advance
learners, allowing for the system and
the English language education to
support learner differences and learning
needs; and 5) put in place a monitoring
system open to listening to the honest
opinions of basic education teachers of
English as well as all other concerned
directly. Keyword:
policy alternatives, English language
education, basic education, equity,