Leadership Behavioral for School Administration


In which, many people or groups of people come together to perform various activities in order to achieve the succeeded goals.  In this case, the group must have a group leader or one person in the group to show different roles or behaviors of leadership. Leadership is important to be able to influence or persuade the person or people do what the leader wants to achieve the purpose of groups or organization. This article aims to study the meanings and concepts of various theories. related to behavioral leadership in school administration and research studies on the behavior of leaders expressed. Whether it's the University of lowa Studies, the University of Michigan Studies, the Ohio State Studies and the Managerial Grid, the Continuum of Leadership.  Leadership Theory Reddin's Tri- Dimension Theory in which each concept of leadership behavior is different.  Leadership behaviors that should be implemented in school administration should focus on both focusing on building relationships among personnel and aiming to achieve the goals set by the schools. including school administrators, personnel and staff in various administrative positions All must have good leadership behavior in school administration. Studying this article will help you understand more about behavioral leadership theory. and in order to develop leadership behaviors of individuals in educational institutions who will help each other in managing the educational institutions achieve their goals.

Keyword :  leadership, behavior, school administration
